Thursday 6/18/09 Our plan was to leave last Friday and start for home, however Mother Nature wants us to remain here for some reason. Heavy downpours have been occurring almost daily at different locations all along our intended route of travel causing flash flooding of the tributaries that feed the Mighty Miss. The river has been rising ever since we arrived back at Green Turtle Bay. At St. Louis although not closed, traffic has been limited to daylight hours only and towboats must have a minimum of 250 horsepower for each loaded barge in addition to the warning about heavy drift (logs & debris) severing buoy moorings and moving them off station. Currently the river is rising to or above flood stage from Alton, Il. to Cairo, Il where it joins the Ohio River.
Since we can't move North we've been taking advantage of our situation by doing some of the boat chores that we were putting off until we got home like waxing & polishing. Not a fun job but one that needs to be done to keep Tourist lookin good. I feel like the Karate Kid. On a personal note I got cleaned up yesterday, rented a golf cart and drove into town to Janice K's salon and got my hair cut for the first time since Ft. Myers. (at Pams' insistence) I was hoping to wait until we got home for the shearing but it was beyond time. Since we're still in the South I thought I'd surprise Pam and get a more traditional Southern haircut. I'm now sporting a Billy Ray Cyrus Mullet! She's thrilled y'all!
Temps are in the 90's and forecast to stay there for the next several days. I think we'll cut the dock lines and find a cove to drop the hook in. It's Princess Chair time!
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