Sunday, October 25, 2009

Foster Brooks

Saturday 10/24/09 & Sunday 10/25/09     Some of you may remember Foster Brooks, a comedian from some years back who became famous for his portrayal of a drunkard. For the past few days that's what I've felt like driving the boat. Weaving and bobbing like a drunk, around floating chunks of wood that litter the channel. It's been impossible to keep a straight course for more than 100 feet without jerking the wheel one way or another. The river is still rising which means the debris will keep on coming. The good news is that at 870 rpms which normally pushes us at 10 to 10.5 mph at home, we are now kicking it along at 14.5 to 15 mph. Pam had to put a hat on to keep her hair from being pulled out by the wind!

We've stayed near Louisiana, Mo. the other night and passed through their train bridge the next morning. A neat old structure as so many of them are at 100 plus years of age.

Further down river we passed this grouping of towboats without barges headed North. One pushing two.

The colors have been fantastic though somewhat hard to portray in a photo since most days have been raining or overcast..

This picture of the Alton bridge gives an idea of the river debris if you look close. All you see is the big stuff. The smaller prop benders don't show up in the photo.

Between Alton and St. Louis is a man made canal called the Chain of Rocks Canal, built to provide a safe passage for the river traffic around a series of rapids in the river. The sign at the upper entrance to the canal leaves little doubt as to which way to go. Even I can figure this one out!

We passed through St. Louis. Stopped at Hoppies' for fuel.(the last place for fuel for 250 miles!) and continued on to Kaskaskia Lock just off the Mississippi at mm 117.3 on the Kaskaskia River. They have a floating lock wall that people like us can tie to for the night, free of charge! The best part is it is out of the wicked current of the main channel which provides for a more restfull night of sleep. zzzz

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