Friday, November 1, 2013

End of Season

It's getting to be that time of year here in the Midwest. The temps are dropping and boats are coming out of the water like popcorn. Recently I had the opportunity to share in this annual sad event with two of our friends.
The first took place on a cool Friday morning. With the thermometer reading 33 degrees we pulled out of Mid-Town Marina at 9 a.m. on M/V Vagabond and pointed the bow South. Our destination, Island City Harbor in Sabula, Iowa and their indoor storage facility some 50 miles away. Fortunately the sun was out and it didn't take long for the temps to climb into the comfortable range.

Passing a couple of barges near Chestnut Mt.

The small speck entering the Bellevue Lock is a solo canoeist who was travelling from Winona, Mn. to New Orleans. Good Luck!

Stretching Vagabonds legs below Bellevue.

Last fuel stop for the year.

Tucked into the slip waiting for haul out and storage after taking care of a few remaining winterization chores.

After one last round of cocktails on the boat we had dinner at Bombfire Grill, one of the more eclectic restaurants we've been in for some time.

The menus are inside old album covers.

LuAnn and our waitress discussing aerobic moves.

Pam talking to hometown friends who we had last run into last winter in Irish Kevin's bar in Key West.

Bombfire turned out to be a pleasant surprise. Primarily a pizza joint run by an old hippie and serving what I call "designer pizza" in an old house the ambiance was cluttered and somewhat tight but the pizza and service were fantastic.

A few days later I went on a short  jaunt with Mike on M/V Eirean from the dock to the travelift at the Dubuque Yacht Basin. The air was thick to say the least with fog. Fortunately we didn't have a great distance to travel. Out of one harbor. Into the channel and back into another harbor where the dockhands were waiting for us.  It wasn't long and Eirean was coming out of the water.

 The Dubuque-Wisconsin Bridge in the fog.

Waiting for the lift operator.

Up, up, and away.

When we kept Tourist here year round the last box to be checked off on my winterization list was "Mourn for six months"! That time has come for the boaters here in the Midwest.

Mike and I had a season ending beer in Catfish Charlie's once the boat was turned over to the marina staff.

Fortunately for Pam & I we will soon be heading back to Tourist and starting our boating season.

1 comment:

  1. When are you guys going to be heading back to the boat? Haven't you had enough of the upper midwest? Surely it's cold enough to freeze your blood up there!!!
