Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Company

Pam & I got back to Tourist just in time to get provisioned for our next guests arrival on Thursday. Thanks to my Mom & Dad for picking up the Kissell's at RSW and giving them the tour on the way to Legacy.

Kim & LuAnn have been trying to get here for three years but could never find the exit door to leave Iowa. They last visited us in Stuart while I was going to Chapman's. It didn't take long to get into tourist mode and expose some white northern skin to the sun. Of course we had to drag them down the street to the Edison-Ford complex where we opted for the equivalent of a drive by tour.
We did have time for a photo shoot with Tom.

Besides doing the Edison walk by we spent Friday strolling the docks of Legacy and just relaxing. No alcohol was consumed before 9:30 am! Following a nice meal downtown we came back to Tourist where the girls watched Memoirs of a Geisha and Kim & I fell asleep.

Saturday dawned bright and sunny with expectations of leaving the dock and heading down to the Tarpon Point area to cruise the canals and spend the night. Tourist had other plans, For the second time this year we had a leaking exhaust pipe dripping water into the bilge. This time on the starboard engine. The pipe is 28" x 8" and had developed three pin holes in the underside of it. If you own a boat you know that these are not items sitting on a shelf at West marine waiting to be purchased. What to do? With two heads being better than one we decided to rotate the pipe so the holes were on top and then try a product I had heard about for years but never tried. JB Weld. Off to the hardware store we went.

With the day escaping we decided to make repairs on the hook so duct tape was put over the holes and we went the 13 miles to Tarpon Point and anchored for the night. Sunday morning we applied the JB Weld per instructions and the rest is history. Off to explore the canals and lunch at Rumrunners. Upon our return to the boat we found that it had moved a bit closer to shore. Seems the wind came up and switched directions and popped the anchor loose causing it to drag a bit before resetting. No harm to the boat or environment. Just a bruised ego to the captain who likes to think he has things under control.

Monday we took off for the Marco Island area and the anchorage behind Kewadyn Island. On our way past Ft. Myers Beach we were just ahead of the Key West Ferry as it was heading for the Conch Republic.
Headin to Key West.

We had a smooth ride to our anchorage dodging crab pots along the way and enjoying the aqua waters of the gulf.

I think we're right here. Or maybe here. It must be Bloody Mary time!

 Once we arrived we launched the dinghy and went ashore to walk around and pick up shells. Part way around the island the girls were attacked by flys causing the creation of several new dance steps.
Doing the fly dance. Instructional video to be released soon.

With time too short we headed back to Ft. Myers Beach for a little shopping. A little gawking. And a little taste of life at the beach.

Crowded Ft. Myers Beach.

Young Love!

Hello! Is this the party to whom I'm speaking?

Hey, I dropped my dentures!
On our way back to Tourist we stopped by Front Page and Root Beer Float who were tied up at Ballard's fuel dock, to wish them a safe voyage to the Bahamas. Our intent was just that but we were soon kidnapped and forced to eat raw oysters, scallops, shrimp, and smoked fish as well as being forced to consume a liquid to wash down the bounty of the sea. Darn the luck! We finally escaped and made our way back to the boat to get ready for dinner at Parrot Key.

Our captors. What innocent faces!

Wednesday we made our way back to Legacy where Kim was introduced to the hose and chamois part of salt water boating. That evening we went to dinner at the Edison where it was ladies night. Talk about a meat market! Oh yeah. The food was good too!

Dinner (drinks) at The Edison.

All too soon it was Thursday morning and time to head to the airport. We dropped them off hoping the shell collection wouldn't put their suitcases over the weight limit.

A good time was had by all. (At least they didn't kidnap Pam like our last visitors!)

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