Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Update 2/28/09 - 3/3/09

Saturday 2/28/09 was a beautiful day. sunny skies and temps nearing 80. Since the forecast for Sun & Mon was predicting cooler temps we decided to dump the dinghy in the water and go for a ride. We (Pam, Julie, & myself) ended up across the Caloosahatchie about a mile, at the Harborside Tiki Bar. We had lunch and listened to the music for awhile. First time ever I've been in one of these places that I didn't hear a single Jimmy Buffet song!

We decided to get back in the dink and do a little touring of the local mangrove canals. After wandering around in the canals for an hour or so (never lost) we worked our way out to the river only to find that the wind had picked up from the West which put a nice two foot chop on the water. Needless to say we all got wet on the way back across except for Pam who only came out from under her beach towel tent once and quickly ducked back under cover. It was a fun day!

Sunday was a veg out day to dry out from the salt water bath of Saturday. Monday we had a Pam morning which means we just lounged around. After lunch we headed down the street to visit the Edison-Ford complex ( which is about five blocks away. We started walking and before we got out of the marina lot Eric who works at the marina showed up on his 9 passenger golf cart and offered us a ride. Not wanting to offend him we reluctantly accepted his offer! By the time we got there the place was jumping with people. Seems no one was at the beach! We spent about 3.5 hours touring Seminole Lodge, The Mangoes, and the botanical lab and museum. You forget just what a genius Thomas Edison was. Quite an impressive site and worth the $20.00 admission. Our walk back lasted one block when we found my parents sitting in their car in an empty lot near the complex. They normally don't just hang out in empty lots. They were there to pick us up so we could use their car to take Julie to the airport Tuesday morning and pick up Moose & Lisa a little later. It was a fun but quick visit with Julie.

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