Monday, September 10, 2012

On to Cambridge

9/6/12 Thursday     Time to put Solomons in our wake. But not before stopping to off load some unwanted weight at the free pump out dock. Isn't cruising exciting?

The conditions were great for our travels today. Light winds, 1' seas, and overcast. We had an uneventful trip up the bay to where we headed up the Choptank River.
The dark area on either side of the boat are fish churning up the surface.

As we closed in on Cambridge the rain squall hit making visibility a challenge. Radar showed it to be a quick passing block of precipitation so we held position in the river until it passed. Once it let up we made our way into the town basin and headed to the free wall close to the county building. Just as we pulled up it started pouring again. Pam did her usual great job of lassoing the cleats and we were secured in no time. The rest of the day we stayed dry in Tourist.
Tourist @ the free wall in Cambridge

9/7/12 Friday     We started the day with lunch at Snapper's just a few short steps from the boat. After lunch we checked out the J.M. Clayton Co. which is a crabbing company. ( Later in the day we came back to buy some lump crab meat.
Tourist parked in front of Snapper's with J.M. Clayton's to the right.

Our feet took us around the town of Cambridge which is struggling to revive it's downtown. Pam did find a shop she liked and made a purchase. There are a few restaurants and a variety of shops starting to fill in the vacant store fronts. From the main drag it was a short distance to the historic part of town and a walk down High St. A brick street that reminds me of Park Avenue back in Galena with it's proud old homes. A few pictures of Cambridge.

Friday evening we went back downtown to a hole in the wall joint called Leaky Pete's.
You know it's going be good with a sign like that!

The staff was great as was the food. Raw oysters, 10 Cane Rum, and some of the best potato salad we've ever tasted! A fantastic evening and worth the trip to Cambridge.

9/8/12 Saturday     The forecast for later in the day called for severe thunderstorms with possible winds approaching 60 mph. We were planning on leaving and decided to stay with those plans because of the roughness of the sea wall and the wind direction that would beat Tourist into it. I felt we would be better off anchored a few miles away in a sheltered cove where we wouldn't be bouncing off the wall. So off we went.

The anchor dropped at Martin Point off the Choptank River in about 8' of water. With the storm forecast I payed out 140' of anchor chain and settled in for the blow. Once we felt we were secure I was looking around the area and spotted a nice white house on a point of land across the cove. As I checked it out I could tell there was something going on, but it looked like everyone had flesh colored clothing on. When I picked up the binoculars and took a look my first impression was confirmed. They all were dressed the same. In their birthday suits! Of course once I told Pam, I never saw the binoculars again!
Sorry. We don't have a high powered telephoto lens.

The winds blew throughout the day but the sun was shining until the evening when you could see the front coming on fast.
 Here it comes!

The wind hit and heeled the boat over as we changed direction 180 degrees. Fortunately the anchor held as the winds hit gusts of 50 mph. Of course the rain came with it and the temperature started to fall. The severe weather warning lasted till 10 p.m. Afterwards the wind settled down to 15 to 20 mph and we managed to get some sleep in spite of the party going on at the naked house.

9/9/12 & 9/10/12 Sunday and Monday     The winds are still blowing. We're not on a schedule. And hey! We've got Nudists! Or maybe not. Seems the cooler weather has them covering up.

We took a dinghy ride up LaTrappe Creek to check out the homes along it.
Whadda ya know. The Minnow is still floating.

Of course by the time we decided to go for a raft ride the excitement at the naked house had terminated which put me at ease because all the while they were there I had to keep Pam from swimming over there and joining them!

1 comment:

  1. See? Again, buy a good 300mm telephoto. Of course, from my experience in the Caribbean, usually the people you see naked are exactly the ones who shouldn't be.
